Hello, my friend, and welcome. I feel like we may already know some things about each other.

Let me guess…

  • You are mature, either in years or wisdom.
  • You are well-educated – smart, perceptive and aware.
  • You are not a newbie and have experience in energy, consciousness, and multidimensionality.
  • You likely are a way shower. You may be a healer, teacher, or guide, or the one in your circles that supports and teaches others.
  • You’ve had some wounding, possibly deeply, and yet your knowing of your light is more powerful than the darkness you’ve experienced.
  • You still have some snags. You know what they are, but haven’t found your way free of them yet.
  • You are interested in the real deal – getting to the heart of the matter beyond your mind, where the lasting shift ushers you into total freedom.

And perhaps you’re looking for someone like me.

Someone who can precisely bring forward what is needed in the moment – clearing, guidance, wisdom, healing, expansion & mastery.

Someone who can help you go really deep and high, and also meet you with fun. Together we are equally versed in laughter, energy that blows your mind (and changes your reality), and awareness that brings deep peace as you open into so much spacious relaxation and freedom.

Our alchemical work together becomes your path of  POWER. As your Perception shifts, new Options arise. As you meet the options with your Willingness, we then bring in a higher octave of Energy beyond the level where your suffering was created. Then you Realize a new life.

Feel like we might enjoy connecting? Explore away!

Hello, my friend, and welcome.

I feel like we may already know some things about each other.

Let me guess…

  • You are mature, either in years or wisdom.
  • You are well-educated – smart, perceptive and aware.
  • You are not a newbie and have experience in energy, consciousness, and multidimensionality.
  • You likely are a way shower. You may be a healer, teacher, or guide, or the one in your circles that supports and teaches others.
  • You’ve had some wounding, possibly deeply, and yet your knowing of your light is more powerful than the darkness you’ve experienced.
  • You still have some snags. You know what they are, but haven’t found your way free of them yet.
  • You are interested in the real deal – getting to the heart of the matter beyond your mind, where the lasting shift ushers you into total freedom.

And perhaps you’re looking for someone like me.

Someone who can precisely bring forward what is needed in the moment – clearing, guidance, wisdom, healing, expansion & mastery.

Someone who can help you go really deep and high, and also meet you with fun. Together we are equally versed in laughter, energy that blows your mind (and changes your reality), and awareness that brings deep peace as you open into so much spacious relaxation and freedom.

Our alchemical work together becomes your path of  POWER. As your Perception shifts, new Options arise. As you meet the options with your Willingness, we then bring in a higher octave of Energy beyond the level where your suffering was created. Then you Realize a new life.

Feel like we might enjoy connecting?

Explore away!



Drop in for a 10 minute energy treatment of soft, nurturing, divine feminine energy. This activation gently and lovingly invokes the pink light of the Magdalene into every cell and then radiates it through your entire field. Excellent for healing and higher self embodiment.


Receive a free energy-infused message of wisdom and love directly into your inbox every week.

Christine tunes into the group signed up to receive and channels a message from the unity field to illumine, support, and guide.


Click the image to receive

  1. Ending Self-Judgement Once and For All Masterclass
  2. Peaceful Heart Sound Meditation.


Get Clear, Connected, and Elevated


Powerful Transformation through Personal Intuitive Guidance and Energy Channeling

This is your single-focus, 3-day package for when you need laser-precise guidance, energy and support for what is here right now.

Conscious Coaching Intuitive Guidance and Energetic Mentorship

Conscious Coaching is for deeper transformation, healing and embodied awakening.

Guided Energetic Mastery

Guided Energetic Mastery is for today’s way-showers, healers, and leaders who are ready to up level to their next octave of mastery for themselves and the world.


Receive the energies and transmissions of this powerful event – from Egypt with Love.


The replay of frequency transmissions and wisdom teachings catalyzed by the energies of Egypt is now live. Includes Wisdom Channeling, Light Language, Soul Gift Catalyzation and more!

The Source Light Circle

Group energy session for deep clearing, highest self connection, and expansion for all participants.

We share 75 minutes of powerful Source Light Energy for clearing your lineages, interference and limitations, accelerating healing, and connecting you with your highest self.

Our next Source Light Circle is Tuesday, March 18 at 4PM Pacific.

25 day Replay Available.

“I think the most helpful thing was the personalized support for everyone, not just me, and having that weekly scheduled time devoted to healing and listening. It helped clear the noise for me. After you helped me with my question, everything got quiet in the most beautiful way. Things felt calm in a way that they hadn’t felt in a long time. This  helped me strengthen my spirituality and helped me remember that I’m not alone and also that I must listen. It also helped me feel better about being sensitive and becoming increasingly so. It’s awareness and for that I am grateful. I was able to get a lot out of listening to other people’s questions. I felt very connected to everyone and I feel like I always got what I needed even when I didn’t ask a question.” – Rachel L.

“I valued the courage of all the participants. I often saw my concerns or pondering of my heart being shared by another participants. We are actually very connected and not so different. I know I received so much healing. I really appreciated all the healing that was shared and the sense of community that was established. The courageous hearts of the participants and seeing their faces and voices change after sharing the healing. I (appreciated) watching you respond to each participant in a loving, open way and adapting your approach to each person and concern. Your deep listening and attunement to each person. I valued bearing witness to how healing sometimes is very forceful as when the Cali energy was present and how gentle it can be. (I appreciated) your ability to move from one person to other so quickly. Your presence to each person. ” – A.D.

“My heart was opened to receive from the heartfelt cries of others in the group as they struggle their way out of the chrysalis. It created a desire to join with them, and to be willing to be part of the whole of us all together with the wisdom and deep spiritual healing and guidance that our wonderful teacher unveiled before us.” – Carl C.

“Christine, what I would say to anyone wondering about this Circle is — just DO IT! My experience was uplifting, all love, and then it was time for your work with me personally… You went right to the heart of what I was seeking without know it — SUCH a deep thing, and there it was in my field, in just a matter of moments. Profound. My entire perspective change in a moment! A thousand “thank you’s” for your extraordinary presence, your work, your beautiful intentions, your love” – Linda N.

“Imagine working through deep seated patterns or issues with ease and grace. You only need the courage to express just a few words to describe what may have you stuck, and then open to receive Christine’s gifts of shifting energy, uplifting your awareness and healing what’s needed to take you to the next level in consciousness and your awakening. Now imagine doing this in a group setting, each person taking their turn to gently introduce what’s holding them back in that moment … and as each person shares, speaks and provides a slight nuance in the healing that is unfolding, providing a different perspective of the whole, some how Christine brings all the threads together raising the vibration of the group and the group shifts on behalf of the collective. The impact is truly exponential. It’s gentle, loving and at the same time transformative and profound. All in a day’s work! Thank you Christine for sharing your gifts. See you at the next circle. xo With gratitude!”- Lisa Z.

When I finally felt I wanted to ask a question, the answer was super helpful in creating an inner grounded flow for my energies in a new way. Plus listening to everyone’s shares, whether it brought up my own content similar to theirs, or my own content in terms of them, it was a great space to explore and share in.” – Arianna Z.

I liked how we could benefit from each other’s issues. I liked the personal feedback sessions and your expertise in guiding a group with honouring and support.” – Anonymous

“I don’t really know how to explain it but it felt good, and when I woke up this morning I had less pain.” – Mollie Rigby

“This is the most Awesome thing I have ever seen, felt or been a part of. Watched it over and over and will continue. Sooo beautiful. All kinds of things opened up. I feel I am seeing life from a different  space. Thank you so much for making this available.” –Vicki Collins

“My lungs were more oxygenated. My face was tingly and more oxygenated. The nerves were more activated. I will replay this many times. Many, many thanks.” – Kerry Keough

“I just participated in the replay.  I knew this one was for me, but holy cow. Every pattern that was brought up was so very relevant, and the clearing was so direct and potent. A perfect gift to myself for my birthday.”- Meg Judge

“Hi Christine, I just wanted you to know that after the class last night I felt a release of a big heaviness in my heart, a dark heaviness. It was lifted out of my heart. Thanks for all that you do!” – Gale Ziccarelli

“I feel lighter. That was very intense, very deep, and very relieving!  And you nailed it. I found my mouth wanting to be open and that was how I was receiving the energy. I felt it go into my mouth! It was coming right through the computer and literally felt your breaths at times. WOW. WOW. WOW. Thank you so much..I am beyond grateful for your Presence and sharing your INCREDIBLE gifts with us and reminding us again WHO WE ARE and what we are not! With LOVE!” – Shelley Ferguson

WOW! Powerful energy moved through and something deeply and profoundly shifted. A recalibration to be all of who I am. An opening to more of me being present here on earth. Many blessings Christine.” – April De Voy

“I find  your energy is extraordinary. You personify everything you speak of.  I love your laughter! You laugh with the freedom of an innocent child and it brings home in my heart the playfulness and the childlike loveliness that somewhere along the line I lost. Gazing at you and feeling your energy I know I can recapture that as you yourself have, to be the walking talking mentor example for the rest of us. Your singing sent delightful shivers down my spine in its rightness. I resonate so deeply and profoundly with your work.” – Caroline Trim

“That feels great. My knees felt strengthened. And I feel an inner strength, an inner being coming alive.” – George Hodak

“Profound beyond measure” – Kenneth Ballard



Join us for 5 magical days on the Big Island of Hawai’i to be nourished by the beauty and transformational energies of one of the most powerful portals on the planet.


Daily ceremonies with Balinese healers, shamans, and high priestesses, all unavailable to Westerners except through this special family connection with Kenneth Ballard. Please email support@christinelaria.com directly for more info or to join the group.


Experience crystalline sound and vocal alchemy, channeled individual transmissions, and other healing and awakening energies. You will be bathed with the sounds of dozens of Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowls in an indoor, open-air setting nestled on an 8-acre organic farm.

Our next Sacred Sound events are March 9, April 13, and May 18 at 2PM

Click HERE for more information.


Find Your Bowlmate – Crystal Tones Singing Bowls Activated in Paradise!


About Christine Laria
Christine Laria is a wisdom teacher, intuitive guide, energy channel, healer, and sound alchemist who brings over 30 years in the fields of energy medicine, consciousness, music, and spiritual guidance. Her areas of expertise include transformational teaching, catalyzation of the master within you, laser-precise insight, and life-changing energy and sound alchemy.
Beyond the Ordinary