Transcending Ego, Video Master Class


Welcome to Transcending Ego – where ego is elevated to its new exalted position of full service to the Divine Self.

Transcend: To rise above or go beyond the limits of, to overcome the negative or restrictive aspects of, to be greater in scope.
Ego: The portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I”, the integrator of inner and outer worlds through a personal point of reference. The small self.

Learn more in the description below.

Much Love and Aloha – Christine


Common Ego Narratives You’ll Transcend in this Class

  • I’m afraid of my power.
  • It isn’t safe to be what I truly am.
  • I’m alone.
  • There is something inadequate or problematic about my __ (career, body, mind, inner state, behavior, choices, life).
  • If I fully transcend my mind, I won’t be able to function.
  • If I can simply understand what is happening and why, I’ll be ok.
“Transcending ego takes us beyond the smaller experiences of personality and identity. It is the ability to live from the wisdom space in ongoing presence and peace.” – Christine Laria

The Modules of the Masterclass Series


  1.  Triggers
  2.  The Mind Field
  3.  Emotional Density
  4.  Body Perception
  5.  Core Wounds
  6.  Beliefs
  7.  Death – Living as God
“It is not the mind’s nature to see beyond itself. If you are waiting for your mind to show you the way, you will wait indefinitely. So we transcend ego not with more understanding, but with elevating our consciousness to a whole new level.” – Christine Laria

Also Includes:

Pineal Attunement: Activation of Your Divine Gateway

The Activation of Your Divine Gateway might be described as an energetic mindgasm. It is a vibrational attunement and alignment to open your pineal, release mental paradigms, accelerate your ascension and activate the divine gateway to freedom and multidimensionality.

This includes a lucid journey into the pineal gland to activate the divine rods and cones of your inner vision to aid you in accessing your Ecstatic God Consciousness, accessing transcendent visionary states, navigating the holographic light grid of your life, and more.

Custom Sound Alchemies for each module

Sound alchemy is provided for each module to assist you in moving beyond your egoic constructs into the spaciousness of your illumined divine Self.

Channeled messages

We access the wisdom of many dimensions, allowing your highest selves as well as other highly evolved consciousnesses to speak through and provide insight, energy, and illumination.

Want to learn more?  CLICK HERE

Additional information

Transcending Ego

Transcending Ego Masterclass Series, Transcending Ego plus Personal 1/2 hour Session, Special Invitational Price through February 1 – Transcending Ego Masterclass Series, Special Invitational Price through February 1: Transcending Ego Masterclass Series Plus 1/2 hour session


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