How do you feel about “woo?”

I’ve never much cared for the term, myself (“woo-woo,” in its full-fledged form). It seems to be a catch all term for that which isn’t logical or readily explainable by the mind. This could include anything from energy healing to yoga to astrology. And then some.

I know most of you familiar with my sharing are likely woo-comfy. Others less so. Want to sit on the couch and talk with me about it?

It seems “woo” has come to replace that which used to be called “New Age.” Even the term New Age was a bit of a misnomer, since so many of its practices have been around for millennia, robustly standing the test of time (yoga, meditation, mysticism). Funny that “New Age” became the term for the resurgence of interest in older practices.

The basic concept of everything being energy (most of which is not perceivable by our physical senses), is a long-honored awareness, both scientifically and spiritually. Isn’t that interesting? Not only is this premise not thought of as superstitious or pretend, it’s the very foundation of both quantum age science and new age practices, both of which explore reality beyond what we can see.

And yet if energy does something we can’t see or prove (which appears to be what it’s doing all the time), we might call it “woo.” Aren’t we funny creatures?

I notice that if someone has reticence about things being woo, their vantage point is firmly rooted in their left brain. And this is totally fine. I love the left brain. It’s so beautiful, such an amazing half of the whole. And still it is just that – half (albeit often a very bossy half that asserts supremacy over the whole even in we intuitive types!). 

I find this half-sighted arrogance interesting, where anything not yet in the purview of left-brain-land may be deemed uninformed, uneducated, or simply untrue. Until it’s proven otherwise. Which happens all the time. 😉 

It makes sense that half a perspective pretending it’s the whole would be subject to limitation and bias. Honestly, it’s all any of us are experiencing – partial perspective looking to become whole. None of us has 360 total vision about anything, whether that be the nature of the universe or any one of it’s infinite parts. So we’re all in the same ship here. 

Back to our brain boat – I also know many people who use both sides of their brain/mind equally (realizing there are volumes to be said about what is brain, mind, etc…though not in this missive). For these folks, intuition is as influential as intellect, the sacred as profound as the science, their knowing as important as their knowledge. They are interested in the whole spectrum, from the mystical to methodical. 

I delight in these balanced humans who have already married their extra-sensory perceptions with their linear perspectives, and are brilliant at both. It’s a really good relationship, as it is no longer relegated to living only the tensions of polarities (masculine/feminine, logical/intuitive) but rather can breathe in and create from the ecstasy of their union. It’s really good there.

I personally know a few doctors who are also psychic (a new age word for highly intuitive). It’s such a beautiful skill set…my favorite, actually…and I can’t wait until every practice is full of such health care practitioners. I can’t wait until every profession is!

While these whole-cloth folks themselves may not require proof of things, they often set out to definitely prove the invisible to the doubting Thomases out there. And they do. I see that this will happen more and more in the future, as the cosmic split between our masculine and feminine continues to heal and unify once again. Humanity is a powerful force when fully reconciled to itself this way, with unbridled potential and generosity.

There is a day coming when the impetus to prove the invisible is no longer even a thing, when it has become no thing, nothing. Because everyone will be seeing it all. We will all know what the sages and mystics, science and psychedelics have shown us for eons: there is an immense fabric of reality of which our left brain is a stellar interpreter, but over which it is not god.

When I feel into this inevitable arrival, I know true bliss through every fiber of my being. Thank you to the way-showers out there, the brave ones on the leading edge of this enlightenment. Thank you to every one of you who affirms what you know in addition to what you can prove, who receive the infinite benefits of this medicine of life within you. I love you.

“May there always be tradewinds behind you, rainbows above you, and aloha all around you.” – Hawaiian blessing 

All Love,