This moment. This now.. My God, what a gift that my sweet mom has such an awareness and capacity to live in the now. We talk about it, how peaceful it is in the now. How there is nothing to become or accomplish. How there is just this moment, then the next, then the next. If we time travel and jump into what if, we come right back to now, because it feels so crappy in the what if. And so perfect in now.
There are things to do, yes. We have had a list a couple of legs long of what needs to be checked off, gotten ready, set in place. She was already so capable in this regard. She has a will, a living will, power of attorney (medical and durable), lists of auto-pays and auto subscribes with account names and passwords. Booklets with all of the essential information. What a gift.
So we check off things on the list, and we visit and rest. I make her her favorite foods, so grateful I can honor her this way, to serve and love, after she has given each of the four of us (and so many others) so much.
And it’s these two things that it all comes down to, moment by moment: Love and Now. Everything in the world…in life..hinges, creates, is born, is made true, in these two things. I breathe that in with all of me.
Our moments are everything. Joyful. Sad. Tired. Delighted. Still. Tears are a daily feature, and they are mostly full of gratitude. Laughter, too.
“I’m so blessed,” she keeps saying. “I’ve had such a blessed life, and I’m just so grateful.”
Me too, mom. Me too.
Pics: her with Joey, her current Maine Coon man in her life. Me, sad and present, and in the flow of a livestream masterclass on living without self-judgment, in a steady state of inner love. My God, what a gift to live with love within and without, moment by moment (let me know if you’d like the link – I’m happy to share