I first saw it in a vision.
It was in a conscious breath work session in Costa Rica, and there in the deep spaces of hyper-oxegynation and expanded consciousness I beheld a fabric stretching out into the cosmos, totally black. I understood it to be the fabric of the time space continuum.
When I reached a sort of horizon’s edge of the fabric, I noticed it became a huge black space that was devoid of light. I’d never seen a reality without light. And the miraculous thing was, there was color there. The nothingness was laced with glittering, iridescent purples, greens, and blues.
It was my first experience of the dark light (which has become a familiar space since then). In that moment, I knew the dark light as the most beautiful light of all, and also the most powerful and mysterious.
Here on the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere as I was sharing energy with my community in the hush of pre-dawn, the space of the dark light activated for all of us. As an aside, my Libra self loves that this year in Hawai’i our solstice moment is just before midnight tonight, so we have an equal amount of hours, minutes and seconds of daylight both today and tomorrow. 🙂
The solstice is such a powerful time, and also one so deeply inward and incubative. It asks us to pause. Stop. To “go dark,” as they say in theatre.
Sometimes it can be a bit bumpy, slowing down into the rhythm of rest, letting your gears downshift all the way to zero where you can find rejuvenation through nothingness. You might not even know how to stop, how to not accomplish anything, how to suspend even becoming more aware and enlightened, lol! Not doing. Not planning. Not “bettering” yourself in any way, even with your thoughts.
I am reminded that we do not tell an oak tree it is a very bad tree when it is simply a seed within the frozen ground. We know it knows its way, and that it is perfect in that phase. Likewise a rose isn’t ugly when it’s a tight, small bud.
We do not tell the ocean it is not good enough when it is at low tide, even as it exposes the less attractive features of its shore, the bare underbelly of slimy rocks that are not usually visible. Instead we delight in the new access to the relatively quiet and contained world of the tide pools.
This is your gentle invitation on this shortest of days in the northern hemisphere to stop, and to steep in the dark light. It is the space of a deep, cosmic void of creation, the space of infinite potential. It is miraculous there in its profound stillness. As are you.
You are invited to excel in your nothingness, to get absolutely zero done and celebrate that as your perfect rhythm, your perfect en-dark-lightenment. Be where you are as you need to be.
It’s only your mind that would tell you otherwise, anyhow. And who made it God? 😉
A blessed solstice, my friends.
All Love,