Aloha, beautiful soul community!
I thought I’d drop in here and share some current awareness and energy trends with you today.
What I’m seeing:
1. Acceleration! The shrinking gap between thought and creation is profound. We’ve been in this acceleration for a while, and many have been closing that space between thought and manifestation for some time. There is a new wave of this acceleration underway, so it is even more helpful to be aware of your thoughts, particularly about yourself and the world (more about that at the end of the article).
As you see just how powerful you are in this, simply by being a human with a mind, you are motivated to pay close attention and protect the sacred sanctuary of your mind and body with the utmost devotion. As the Wisdom Space brought through in one of our Source Light Circles, those negative thoughts are literally like drinking a poison sure to make you ill. Similarly, choices of open wonder, gentleness in strength, and intentional blessing are so powerful!
2. Multi-dimensionality Is Becoming Clearer to Many, meaning EVERYTHING is becoming clearer: the benevolent and the malevolent, the sublimely ineffable and the cold truth, divine communion and human destruction. As our awareness continues to open, expand, and refine, we increasingly see and feel more. More bliss. More awareness of harmful humans and agendas. More of the wondrous “innerverse” as a dear friend calls it, and more of the chaos of the outer collective.
This also means that what has been able to remain hidden from view will increasingly be revealed as exactly what it is. You’ll find yourself more aware of the energy of something rather than what it says or looks like, whether that be a conversation with a friend, the weather, the news, a nutritional supplement, your own body, etc. It truly is the age of the Guide not the Guru. You will find you choose your own inner guidance as well as those you work with with care. Following the energy, of course!
I am actually very excited about this. Many of you have been navigating primarily through intuitive awareness and energetic knowing for some time. Our tribe is not only increasing, but your own capacities and clarity as well! Be aware you may simultaneously experience two very different things from this heightened perception: an initial, profound loss of innocence as you see that which you previously simply couldn’t fathom, and a deep empowerment as you move in aligned resolve, transparency and truth.
3. Three New Earth Timelines. I have been looking for a while at two divergent timelines for earth: one that continues in 3 and 4D (karmic looping, struggle and strife, humans harming humans) and another that ushers us into fifth dimensional embodiment of divine love, freedom, and truth. My friend Lanna pointed out a third to me as we visited about a dream I had of three mother humpback whales birthing three babies simultaneously and lifting them to the surface for their first breath. She was looking at a timeline concurrently unfolding where some of us are still strongly connected with Gaia and ascension here, but in less physical ways, primarily through the 6th, 7th, and 8th dimensions (sacred geometry, sound color and light, and divine mind).
That first timeline of primarily 3 and 4D will likely be the sign up line for many to cycle through some thousands of years of what we’ve been in. That second one may be what unfolds for the current ascension path underway. I feel most of us are here for this part. Communities of light-bearers and cosmic truth will continue to find and nurture one another, new systems of commerce, government, and support will come into place based in benevolence and freedom, harmony will be primary. For the third, well, some of us are already most comfortable in the non-form realms, and we may happily continue investing in service and infinite love from there, closely connected but not in bodies.
I share this part because it can give you a space to relax even more deeply as you allow all to be what it is and go where it is going, as well as help us strengthen your devotion to what you’re here for. As another friend said, the earth asks to be infused with heaven, and we are the vehicles for that. YOU are the vehicle for that (particularly in current timeline #2…”Timeline #2 for infinity please, Alex!”). The remaining vestiges of 3 and 4D ask us to bring through the celestial vibrations and embody them in thought, word, and deed. Otherwise we contribute to something else.
A final note about that: I find that a great divide is opening up between those who can suspend judgment in favor of clear seeing and neutral choice. The rubber is hitting the road, and we can either inhabit our higher dimensional consciousness no matter what, or we can’t. Judgment is an instant field-constrictor and dimensional downshift, whether your thoughts are about yourself or the world.
What is another option? Continue to choose to anchor in the light. Keep your body and mind clear so they can constantly attune to the higher octaves. Be vigilant, refusing to drink the koolaid of your own poison thoughts. Only you can be your greatest ally in this.
Thanks for tuning in. Let me know how all of this lands, and what you are seeing.
As always, I’m available for personal and group work as a guide-not-guru. Read about all individual and group options HERE and schedule directly for a few of those options here:
All Love,