When You Are The Most Conscious One In Your Circle

2021-02-04T20:10:14-10:00By |

You may be aware that you are a brightly awakened consciousness in your family or circle of friends. All of me loves that you are. Most likely this light in your heart kindles your desire to help others into the expansion you’ve discovered. It’s the most natural thing in the world to share our most [...]

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When You Intend an Ego Death and a Really Good Life Episode Unfolds

2021-02-04T20:10:41-10:00By |

I had a beautiful conversation with a dear friend recently. One of the topics of our conversation really lit me up, as it has been strong in my awareness lately. It was about birth being more like a death, and death being more like a birth. More about that, and also my own play with [...]

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Is Money the Root of All Evil?

2021-02-04T18:51:01-10:00By |

Is money the root of all evil? A friend was lovingly supporting me around my recent life circumstances, and this question arose. As she spoke about it, I found myself intrigued, noticing how the phrase not only points at a powerful belief, but how the question itself leads us to a treasure chest of [...]

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“Choose Joy!” – Sage Advice or Rose-Colored Pretending?

2021-02-04T18:54:06-10:00By |

I have often heard people say, “Choose joy.” Is this possible in the midst of all other experiences? Is it simply a matter of choice? Yes. And sometimes no. It is a beautiful thing to do, to choose joy. A strong go-to, for sure. But what if we try to choose joy and it remains [...]

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When Death Doesn’t Exist

2021-02-04T18:51:31-10:00By |

Our beloved tree will be staying. She stands just on the other side of our property line, 5 stories tall, a gorgeous broad leafed Maple. Her lot was recently purchased, and the owner planned to remove her to build. Several of us began creating an energetic field where she was still here. We advocated for [...]

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Breaking Wide Open

2021-02-04T18:51:46-10:00By |

I love flowers. And they love me. :) Yesterday they facilitated a beautiful breaking open of my heart. It was the kind of heart-break that blows open constrictions and opens the space where new worlds are born. I was in awe of the grace. It was Easter Sunday and we were driving toward a church [...]

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