I love how much self-love is in the collective consciousness right now. To love your body, your mind, your past, your ways, your everything, my GOD this is beautiful. It means there is always more love, for everyone and everything.
And then to live this unconditional love in real time, moment by moment…to have it be your first response toward yourself and others in every situation, even those of embarrassment, error, or upset…this is true mastery.
This is why unconditional self-love is simple for most of us to understand and more of a process to actualize. The thing is, when it happens, you know. You know when love has become the base hum from which everything arises. You know because this loving compassion is your first, immediate, and reflexive response to everything, no matter what.
This is a very exciting juncture! Because you’ve done the work. You’ve healed the wounds, released, forgiven, transcended. You’ve gotten to know yourself, love yourself, be at peace with yourself, and trust yourself. You’ve celebrated your strengths and loved your weaknesses. Love now arises organically over and over from within, and you don’t have to talk yourself into it, think about it, or even choose it.
I would suggest that this is where it gets really interesting. Because once you you’ve made these shifts in thought, word, and deed, an even more amazing transformation occurs. This happens when you begin to realize that while self-love is a wonderful and necessary relationship with your human being, it is still essentially a small self relationship, in the realms of 3D and 4D body and mind.
You also find your well-being comes and goes, because it is up to your small self to hold it all together. It is still the one driving your car.
I have found that full freedom comes when the small self releases the wheel completely. When this happens, you experience a subtle, almost imperceptible shift, like a slight of hand. One day you simply notice it’s different. Your mind/thoughts/personality is no longer the one living your life. Rather a vast, peaceful space of love is living you.
Some people call this embodied love. Some people call it awakening. One thing is for sure: it is recognizable by its nature as an ongoing state of being. Because once this shift happens, you actually don’t ever go back to how you used to be.
Up until then, everything is simply a variety of mindset shifts and experiences which come and go. This is the nature of such shifts – they are ephemeral, whether they are expanded states of consciousness, amazing visions, or profound insights.
While such shifts are very helpful, I find they are essentially vibrational shifts within the same dimension, parallel moves within a range of vibratory states. You change from “seeing it like this” to “seeing it like that,” or “feeling like this” to “feeling like that,” You go up and you go down, moving from one option on the playground of your thoughts and experiences to another.
With a dimensional shift, you find you are no longer in the the schoolyard. In shamanic terms, you have a wholly different assemblage point, and this one is beyond the structures of personal self and mind.
Now you’re seeing realities, vistas and perspectives you never imagined because you’re no longer attached to your personal positions and perspectives down by the schoolyard. You also no longer feel unsafe in the world when everyone else sees it a different way. It’s hard to even find yourself “taking sides” because the whole “sides” thing part of a former reality.
By the way, you have not spiritually bypassed anything in this. Like I said, you’ve done the work. You’re real. You’re also still in the world. You move in accordance with this love that lives you, taking action or letting go when guided, without attachment or position.
The difference is the freedom you feel, and how peaceful you are as you live that freedom.
I love guiding all of the aspects of this journey. I absolutely adore helping humans live a loving relationship with themselves that is not just a theory, but a real-time, ongoing experience, the supreme mastery of unconditional self-love. I also love guiding beyond this, beyond the constructs of mind and person, where you get really free.
If any of this is of interest to you, please reach out. It’s what I’m here for. We can talk about what it might look like for you, how devoted you are to your total freedom in love, and what works for your time and resources. I’m open to serve you in any way I can.
All Love,
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