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So far christinelaria1 has created 50 blog entries.

Morning Presence Meditation

2024-11-05T08:12:25-10:00By |

 This day I choose the presence of my being. I choose to know my truth and my light, and to live this truth moment by moment.  I choose presence, no matter what is happening. I choose presence after I forget. I choose to be the stillness in the middle, as life swirls around and through. If the world is a [...]

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Soul Jigs and Ego Stomps: The Messy Process of Everyday Enlightenment

2024-10-27T18:48:03-10:00By |

Finish it! One of my favorite movies is The Fountain, a gorgeously cinematic, multi-timelined epic about mysteries in life, love and death. The main character’s wife repeatedly admonishes her husband to “Finish it!” meaning the book she had begun writing. The book is a life story of sorts, and he is having a difficult [...]

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Making the Most of the Thin Veil – Voices from Beyond, Dreams, and Past-Life Bleed Through

2024-10-22T07:04:52-10:00By |

I’m guessing you’re well-aware of the loud noise in every arena all around you right now. Did you also know the veil is particularly thin?  I’ve been looking at this…it’s like we're floating in a bubble, and there is an edge that is nearly dissolved, and we’ve wafted ourselves right to the meniscus where [...]

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The Three Echelons of Awakening

2024-10-15T11:55:33-10:00By |

Which Octave Is Yours? You know that thing that happens, when you’re talking with someone, and you think you’re talking about the same thing because you’re using the same words, but then at some point you realize you’re not talking about the same thing at all?  I see this happen a lot. Even when [...]

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Channeling of the Conglomeration

2024-11-05T08:15:31-10:00By |

A helpful message came through from a spokesperson for a group of beings today, and I felt you might find it supportive as I did. As we are receiving another powerful solar X-class flare impact today, which can affect satellites, electrical systems, and our bodies (particularly the nervous system, heart, and emotions), I thought [...]

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Where Science and Woo Meet

2024-09-21T13:16:14-10:00By |

How do you feel about “woo?” I’ve never much cared for the term, myself (“woo-woo,” in its full-fledged form). It seems to be a catch all term for that which isn’t logical or readily explainable by the mind. This could include anything from energy healing to yoga to astrology. And then some. I know [...]

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The Alchemy of Light, the Power of Your Heart

2024-10-17T11:22:40-10:00By |

Your heart...your beautiful, radiant heart...is the most powerful light. It is guiding you unerringly. You may experience life's challenges - know they are guiding you to the light of your heart. You may wish to be more conscious, consistent in your embodiment of love - this desire itself is guiding you to the infinite [...]

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The Power of Your Truth

2024-10-17T11:20:57-10:00By |

Today I’m diving into the power you can access when you speak the truth of your heart moment by moment with clarity, integrity, and love. When you speak your truth from your heart (as appropriate and aligned… this is not a call to say everything all the time!), you activate a powerful alchemy. You align [...]

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Do Your Chakras Still Exist? Or?

2023-07-20T10:08:32-10:00By |

This question came in - Christine, do chakras still exist? A member of our community perked up some time ago when I offhandedly remarked in a live event, "Well, if you still believe in chakras, that is." She was relieved because she had been perceiving a similar reality, and had even voiced it aloud [...]

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Is Your Soul Giving You Tough Love?

2023-05-31T16:33:44-10:00By |

Do you ever wonder if what is happening in your life is due to some choice you made at the soul level before you came here? If you are wondering, this is likely a factor in your current experience! You may be familiar with the concept of soul agreements or contracts. These are mutual [...]

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