This channeled message came through as I made my way to see her. Pele was creating new earth yet again on Kilauea. The power of Pele seeding creation codes through our blood was visceral and intense for me, and oh so gifting. Sharing the love on this Pele Kalikimaka.
We prepare all of your connections for your visit with the goddess of fire. We begin with your nervous system, a deep refinement of the connectivity in your energy lines. It is a subtle refinement, and very important in order for you to receive the creation codes from within the earth that come out through the fire of Madam Pele.
First this preparation works with the space around your entire body, the space up to 6 inches surrounding the edges of your form.
The next point of preparatory connection is the heart. Your heart carries the sacred flame, as do all hearts. And her union with your sacred flame offers you a particular purification. It is a deep cleansing through fire.
We ask that you be aware. This is no casual recreational journey. You are stepping into the refiner’s fire in preparation to birth creation. And she is your cosmic sister. She knows you through and through. She knows where you hold out, where you pretend, and where you can be laid bare. She is here in service to you to burn away all of the dross. She loves you so deeply.
Merging In Purification In the Heart
So, as you merge with her in your divine heart, you will find a purification underway of profound proportions. Now, the beautiful thing is, this initiation is not just about your body, heart, and mind. This purification (as all things are), is happening in the entire field. We would like to stress that you need not carry the full impact of the purification for the collective. Rather, you are a conduit. You may be aware of intensities moving through your body and field on behalf of the whole. It is both personal and transpersonal, yes, and yet nothing need remain with you that is of the larger field.
Pele is a perfect guide for you in this way. Again, because she knows you so well. There is nothing you can hide from her. There is nothing you can pretend before her gaze that she does not see. She is fierce. And she is immense love.
Seeding Creation Codes of Consciousness
She is particularly working with seeds of consciousness that can only be planted into a field that has been cleared completely. In this case, through fire. There are many ways to clear a field completely (and of course we mean an energy field). Her particular gifts are seeds of new consciousness, taking root like the Ohia trees and their fiery Lehua blossoms, the first to grow where everything on the mauna has been burned away.
Your Blood, Like Veins of Lava
If you pay close attention, you may feel these seeds plant into your blood. They are carried through your bloodstream the way that other seeds might be carried on the wind. And then this new creation consciousness plants into various tissues and matter within you.
A single seed from her igniting consciousness can spread through your entire body in the most beneficial and abundant way. It is simple. She is at home in your bloodstream, the same way she is at home coursing through veins of lava.
She can course this way through men and women, and she has a particular gift through the female body and the womb space. This is true whether the female is pre-menses, fertile, or post menopausal. The womb space has its own relationship with blood… gathering it, shedding it, sharing nutrients through the placenta with the blood of other new humans. So Pele’s consciousness offers a seeding of creation codes through the blood.
Kairos, the Fullness of Time
Also, her fire seeds of consciousness can lie and rest dormant if needed, just like other seeds which then enliven at the perfect time. This message may be read by someone now, and the consciousness pods will seed into their blood and rest there. Then, in the fullness of time, in their Kairos when the time is fully ripe, the seed will open and release its information, which is then born through the veins like the coursing of lava. The gifting of new life. The birthing of new matter into a pristine and ready field.
All Love,