The following came through in response to an inquiry I made about a visual I received of a cap of light receptors around my head.
Ascension Channeling from the Wisdom Space
Yes, we would like for you to know that there are indeed receptors all around your head that are like antenna for receiving the vibrations that are streaming in.
The shape is like a radiant sun, but functioning as a receptor rather than transmitter.
There is a radiance around your head, truly around your body, but we are focusing on what is around the crown portion. It radiates out in streams of light that each are tuned to receive particular frequencies from the sun, other suns, and the cosmic energies of Ascension that are streaming into the planet.
The planet is supercharged right now for this ascension being and illuminating.
Imagine you are wearing a radiant crown of light. See the pieces moving out from the head that are the receptors which bring in the frequencies that you need.
Tune into this now, please.
Notice how each of the receptors connects inward to a different part of your physiology and your energy system. The information streaming in is highly intelligent and completely self-sufficient in this way. Some of you may see colors of light. Certain receptors are for the Blue Ray, others for Magenta, others for Gold, White, and Ruby.
The Ruby Ray runs like a column through you and attunes your entire nervous system. The Ruby Ray is also a beautiful ascension anchor into the core of the Earth. Yes, it informs your blood. It works in a different capacity, one that we would describe as interfacing with both nervous system and circulatory system simultaneously as one.
These are subtler, more refined filaments. Many of the energy systems of the new human body have not yet been mapped because they did not exist in their capacity until now. This is what we would like for you to know. There are wholly new pathways of vibration available within you. They are being formed. They are being constructed if you will. Simply tuning in and allowing your radiant crown of light to receive what is next for you is the best way, and most helpful.
Many on earth are finding this new pathway at this time. You will find that as you tune in, these receptors and light rays begin weaving new patterns and forms in your system. Yes, it is a new energy anatomy.
And as this happens, you may find that you are a different person, a different type of human. You will not think the same things. You will not do and say the same things. You will have a whole new way available. And it will radiate out from your eyes. You will be looking out through starbursts of light in your eyes. And you will find that there is a concentration of golden white light at the base of your skull that radiates out in a whole new way. This allows the lower portions of your brain to be modulated, to function from a higher energy grid. To attune, receive and transmit with different frequencies that you could not connect with before.
You may need rest as you go through this transition. It is not an instant thing, though its inception happens in a moment. After that, there is a process of development and patterning through your energy anatomy as your older system, which we would suggest is mostly obsolete at this point, gives way to a new, coherent, functioning light grid within you.
Yes, yes. As it weaves into your system, you will see these bright spots of radiant light in various places in your body. They love to be seen by you and this is helpful for your integration.
Please know that we are with you, and that this part of the process has been long ordained and is fully ripe and ready in many of you. You are leading the way into the new template and helping allow the old systems to become obsolete. Then your energy system will not run the programs of density that they have been prone to. Yes, it does mean that certain experiences of pain, suffering, divisiveness, and struggle cease existing!
We encourage you to continue to meditate on and commune with this information and energy.
It is our great honor and joy to assist with this. Thank you for tuning in to receive this message.
We are with you in the light.
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