Christine Laria


Join us for this video Master Class
where ego is elevated to its new exalted position of full service to the Divine Self.

What Is Transcending Ego?

Transcend: To rise above or go beyond the limits of, to overcome the negative or restrictive aspects of, to be greater in scope.
Ego: The portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I”, the integrator of inner and outer worlds through a personal point of reference. The small self.

Common Ego Narratives We’ll Transcend in this Class

  • I’m afraid of my power.
  • It isn’t safe to be what I truly am.
  • I’m alone.
  • There is something inadequate or problematic about my __ (career, body, mind, inner state, behavior, choices, life).
  • If I fully transcend my mind, I won’t be able to function.
  • If I can simply understand what is happening and why, I’ll be ok.
“Transcending ego takes us beyond the smaller experiences of personality and identity.
It is the ability to live from the wisdom space in ongoing presence and peace.” – Christine Laria

The Modules of the Masterclass Series


  1.   Triggers
  2.  The Mind Field
  3.  Emotional Density
  4.  Body Perception
  5.  Core Wounds
  6.  Beliefs
  7.  Death – Living as God

Replays Available.

“It is not the mind’s nature to see beyond itself.
If you are waiting for your mind to show you the way,
you will wait indefinitely. So we transcend ego not with more understanding,
but with elevating our consciousness to a whole new level.” – Christine Laria

Also Includes:

Pineal Attunement: Activation of Your Divine Gateway

The Activation of Your Divine Gateway might be described as an energetic mindgasm. It is a vibrational attunement and alignment to open your pineal, release mental paradigms, accelerate your ascension and activate the divine gateway to freedom and multidimensionality.

This will include a lucid journey into the pineal gland to activate the divine rods and cones of your inner vision to aid you in accessing your Ecstatic God Consciousness, accessing transcendent visionary states, navigating the holographic light grid of your life, and more.

Custom Sound Alchemies for each module

Sound alchemy will be provided for each module to assist you in moving beyond your egoic constructs into the spaciousness of your illumined divine Self.

Channeled messages

We will be accessing the wisdom of many dimensions, allowing your highest selves as well as other highly evolved consciousnesses to speak through and provide insight, energy, and illumination.

Opportunity for Q&A

This video course is interactive, with the opportunity for questions either in real time or via email before or after classes.

Replays available for stream or download

Replays are available for each class, and recordings of the sound alchemies will be in your class folder.

“There is a soft and spacious place to land in what we truly are.”
– Christine Laria

Learn More About Each Module Below

Module 1: Transcending Triggers


Module 1: Transcending Triggers

Everything has an energetic signature, whether it’s love, water, sound, thought, or emotions. Ego (the individuated self anchored in identity) also has a particular energetic signature. When you interact with another and are triggered (upset, offended, have a strong opinion, etc.), this is the vibration of ego in you playing with the vibration of ego in them. It actually has nothing to do with what you (or they) truly are.
You may think of such a trigger as a personal interaction, but really it is simply that energy engaging with itself “outside” of itself. The energy is usually fired up through personal belief and pain points, through our history and where we have suffered.
In this first module we will unpack what is actually happening with triggers, and guide you to the route of transcendence, which is ultimately freedom and peace.

Module 2: Transcending the Mind Field


Module 2: Transcending the Mind Field

We cannot become free from ego through our mind, as our mind will continually loop us back to our ego’s needs: to be special, understood, right, safe, powerful, etc. In fact it has many tricky back doors that return you to the mind field! In order to transcend the mind, we must turn the reins of our life over to a power much greater than thoughts: our presence.

In this module, we’ll learn to tend the parts within us that have these very real human needs without allowing those needs to dictate our choices, perspectives or state of being. We will allow the mind to elevate itself to the highest human octave of awareness, where it is in pure service to our infinitely wise knowing.

Module 3: Transcending Emotion


Module 3: Transcending Emotion

Emotions, like everything, are information, also known as energy. The challenge for many of us is that when emotion grabs us by the tail (or ankles or heart), we are so in its sway we enter a self-perpetuating loop of emotion-thought-belief that holds us captive to limitations.

A certain level of density is required to experience many of the more challenging emotions (fear, sadness, grief, anger, jealousy, etc.). Having transcended triggers (which are often emotional) and thought (which leads to emotions), we are ready to allow our emotions to be of service to our purpose in a wholly new way. In a sense, they become a potent but only momentary experience rather than an entire trajectory of creation.

This module is all about the transcendent experience of emotions, where they are rightfully honored as the information they are and where they are in perfectly resonant alignment with our divine wisdom.

Module 4: Transcending Body Perception


Module 4: Transcending Body Perception

For most of us, our body perception is almost completely rooted in ego, meaning the small self identity and what meaning (value) we assign to being a certain size, shape, gender, weight, color, etc.

When we transcend our egoic body perception, we begin to experience our body and everything about it in a whole new way. This awareness is completely neutral as well as very interesting to us, like a zone of discovery we’ve never seen. We are finally able to see our bodies as the miraculous vehicle for our divine gifts that they are, without which we would be fully impotent in this world!

This module will fully transform your relationship with your body into one of reverent partnership and honor.

Module 5: Transcending Core Wounds


Module 5: Transcending Core Wounds

As long as a core wound can be enlivened within us, we will continue to experience the ego’s mechanisms of defensiveness, protection, emotional vulnerability, suppression, and suffering. Often these wounds are fully out of view, as they may not be personal at all, which can be completely baffling to us when we experience them!

Core wounds can arise from many places: events specific to this lifetime, ancestral patterns, collective experiences, unresolved karma, or simply energies with which we have a susceptibility to entrainment.

In this module we will uncover multiple ways to transcend the painful prison of our experience of core woundedness, offering various routes to deep healing and peace.

Module 6: Transcending Belief


Module 6: Transcending Belief

Beliefs are rooted in experience and what that experience was like for us. They can be both obvious and subtle, and many gain the reputation as limitations.

Like everything else, belief is energy, and an amazing energy, at that! We will be illumining your beautiful beliefs as energy and information, so that you might move into conscious awareness and choice with them. Our goal is not to eradicate belief, but to consciously choose how we create with it.

Our process will both unearth those hidden beliefs that might be limiting you, as well as open you to the rather wondrous and miraculous ways that beliefs form the building blocks of your creations and manifestations, empowering sovereign choice within. This process both heals the wounds that formed the belief in the first place, as well as emancipates belief to be in enlightened service.

Module 7: Transcending Death - Living As God


Module 7: Transcending Death - Living As God

Much like fears around death, our personality and identity have fears around ego death. Always these fears are born of a misunderstanding of what lies beyond our perception, which is always expansion rather than loss.

What happens after we die? Our essence continues, but without all of the density. We are still individuated, and also not limited to any construct. In this we are reduced to, or rather amplified to, our essence.

There is something similar that unfolds when we go through an ego death, when our identification with personality and small self dies and the ego is no longer in charge of navigating life.

Once the transcendence of ego is complete, we have a completely different relationship with physical death as well. These are the spaces we will illumine in this module, living in the total freedom of ecstatic God consciousness, where there is no death and no loss.

A Note from Christine

A shaman in Bali once spoke these words to me: “Nothing, nothing is worth contracting the spaciousness of your magnificent and powerful presence.” He then pointed out that I only did so when I was stressed. I decided to take this teaching to heart, to track what was happening in me, and to transcend it.

I knew as he spoke those words that they were for all of us. Every one of us is a glorious field of presence, love, and being, and anything that causes us to go smaller or constricted, to move into density and experience less of the fullness of what we are, is never worth it!

As I worked with this over the years, I found I was less and less prone to triggers of any kind: to judgements or opinions of others, to taking things personally or feeling threatened, to experiencing constriction, reactivity, or emotional upset. Except for one small corner, which was huge. This was with my partner. I was still reactive to things, and still vulnerable to an excruciating pain and sadness that would come up within me when I was.

This motivated me to intend the “death of my ego” as I knew it, which came in the form of a fast-paced, rather unpleasant apprenticeship! It also ultimately led me to illumine new, previously invisible levels of “wound” which reach across lifetimes, paradigms, and persons. This gave me deep appreciation and compassion for the challenges that obscure our complete freedom while still in a body. When these last pieces came into full focus, I knew it was time to lead others on this path.

That’s what this series is for: for your ultimate freedom to live beyond the confines of the identity of your small self, whether that comes through in your experience of your mind, body, emotions, beliefs, situations, or something completely beyond “you”…any limitation you experience that keeps you from living as your masterful, awakened presence.

I can’t wait to be with you.

All Love,
