Receive The Full Alchemy of Love Collective Program $333
Welcome to your life of Love, Purpose and Presence!
Why the Alchemy of Love 01?
Imagine if everyone in the world knew nothing but love inside their own head in every moment.
Only loving thoughts. Only gentleness and kindness.
Would there be any more strife or struggle?
If you experienced this state inside of you, moment by moment, how would your life change?
And then imagine that this peaceful, unconditional love you are experiencing within you is constantly radiating out into the world, guiding every choice and action you take, blessing everyone you pass by, gifting the world with the vibration of pure, enlightened love. It’s powerful, yes?
Now imagine if others all around you are doing the same. What would this world be like?
We are rewriting what it means to be a collective. Together we create a world where we gift ourselves and the planet with nothing less than infinite, unconditional love.
“I just wanted to say that I feel really grateful for this class. You know, I have 3 degrees, I’m a really smart person…
but there are so many times (and we’ve talked about this before)
when you’re talking…my head cannot get it.
I just feel like this class and this work, including the sound, is circumventing my mind completely. But A) I’m trusting it, because like I said, I trust where I’m led, and B) I can feel the work. I can feel it as these classes are coming up…I feel it in my body… I feel perfectly fine, I slept really well last night, but I yawn all the way through the class
because the energy is really high vibrationally, and big.
I feel like it’s opening up and accessing this other part of myself. I’m really grateful for this circumventing-the-brain-thing that you do. Because, it’s like taking this big boulder” (she gestures to the space around her head)
“that would mess stuff up, and it’s just not part of the equation.
So I’m in my body, and I’m feeling the energies, and I know good things are happening, because I’m seeing the effects in my life. It’s very brilliant. Thank you so much, Christine. It’s impossible for me to describe..I could never describe this class to somebody else… they’re just going to have to see the pictures and sign up!” – Kimberly Christie, member, Love Unleashed
I’d like to share a story. When my son was 17, he committed suicide by hanging himself. After being artificially resuscitated and placed on life support at the hospital, he was pronounced brain dead. While we waited in the little room that first night to see if he would live or die, he appeared to me up in the corner by the ceiling. He said, “Mom, it’s so good here! I’m so happy. And there is no more pain about anything.” “I get that,” I said, “but I don’t think you’re done here yet. I know that is between you and God, but I think you need to come back” (I found out months later that he coded for 20 minutes during that exact time).
The entire experience was deeply difficult, but that’s not where the story ends. He did live that night. Then he wasn’t supposed to be able to breathe without the machine (he did), he wasn’t supposed to wake up from the coma (he did), and finally he wasn’t supposed to live any kind of “normal” life. He did this too, and I’m happy to say he’s 30 now and doing great!
This was by far one of my life’s biggest challenges – the event, his recovery, and the several chaotic years of substance abuse and criminal activity that led up to it.
Well, fast forward about 18 months when I received a diagnosis of an auto-immune disease. My doctor told me that this particular condition often appears about 1-2 years after a significant trauma. I was in a great deal of physical pain. I was told that I would have it for life, that there is no cure, that symptoms usually worsen over time, and they will try to help me manage them. The only thing I thought was, “Not for me.” This powerful knowing came unbidden, rising spontaneously like a precognitive phoenix. It was a guiding affirmation that something in me knew there was another way. I didn’t know what that way was, but I knew it must be there. So I began searching.
My inquiry led me to wonderful consciousness teachers and energy workers. I learned so much, and received powerful activations every week under their tutelage. As my journey deepened and expanded, I discovered that this way I was looking for, the key to healing and happiness, was actually me. Not the little me/small human self. It wasn’t about becoming a better person. The way I was looking for was actually what I truly was. Healing came as I embodied my own infinitely loving, abiding presence. It’s hard to describe what this felt like when it came in, but I can tell you I instantly knew I had been bereft of it my entire life. I truly wondered how I’d even made it through! For me I now know this as the difference between living hell or heaven on earth.
So much changed along the way. It wasn’t just the healing. It was the peace and freedom. As a result of this healing journey and the subsequent embodiment of loving presence, my entire relationship with my life changed.
Here’s what I experience now:
- An unshakable knowing that I am not only loved and fully lovable,
I am the very fabric of this love. - Complete healing of my core wounds, the ones I thought
would just be with me at some level forever. - A clear sense of purpose, and a joyful devotion to it.
- Abiding peace no matter what is happening, within or without.
- No more inner critic (truly), and no more judgment of others.
- An almost complete neutralization of all triggers in my life.
- A regular state of quiet mind.
- Living peacefully from reliable inner guidance
instead of mental effort. - The knowing that I am safe, through and through.
- The awareness that I am never alone, and never can be.
- A deep trust in the perfect unfolding of my life.
I am happier. I am freer.
And that “incurable” disease is long gone.
The bonus in all of this? As I live more unconditional love, the entire world benefits. Because unconditional love isn’t singular. When there is more love, there is more love, for everyone and everything.
I began my journey with first understanding all of this, and then gradually moved into living it. Then through years of working with thousands of people, I have discovered a way to guide others to this embodiment of peace, joy, ease, freedom, and love. This is the game changer. And I am honored to be your guide!
A Note to Honor You
Here’s something I know: You are your greatest wisdom, teacher, and guide. Everything you seek, you are already. Your infinitely wise self is also in charge of the timing of the realization of this mastery. This is why the Alchemy of Love isn’t a fixed formula, a “do it this way and you arrive” program. It is a dynamic life guide for the wisdom of you to blossom.
The Alchemy of Love is the finger pointing at the cosmos. The finger isn’t the point – YOU are, for you are the universe itself.
Where you go from knowing who and what you are to living it!
Most of us already know lots of information such as:
- Self-love is essential
- We are a soul having a human experience
- We are all one
You know in theory that you are worthy, enough, loveable, love, divine, multidimensional, magnificent, eternal, one… but you aren’t really feeling it. Or maybe you are sometimes, but you feel frustrated because your experience comes and goes. You have beautiful, mountaintop moments, and then it’s gone. You may wonder if it was even real. If this is what you are, how can it go away?
I know that earlier on in my journey, I very much needed not only to be reminded of the truths I already knew (information and insights) but I needed a guide to help me experience these higher vibrational states more regularly. I needed to be recalibrated over and over into higher frequencies until I could sustain them myself. And I needed someone to offer me the gift of their wisdom born of experience to show me a way through life’s particular situations, challenges, and opportunities.
How It Works
You’re ready for transformation, so we put the Dynamic Life Guide POWER processes to work as a navigational blueprint for your journey.
This includes alchemical interaction of Perspective, Options, Willingness, Energy, and Realization.
Where You’ve Been
You Know There Is More. You understand the information, but you don’t know how to live it as your life. Likely this is because you’re trying to “solve the problem from the level it was created” (oh sweet, wonderful mind!). But something in you knows there is a way to have a different experience, and not only that, it’s your heart that keeps pulling you toward finding it!
Your First Step
You join the Alchemy of Love, and your powerful transformation begins!
Power Process 1: Perspective
You experience the Wisdom Keys (see more below) to living as love, purpose and presence in our monthly masterclasses, and the inspired information we share shifts your perspective. As this happens, the doors of your perception are blown wide open. So many times I hear “You are explaining this in a totally new way, and it’s changing something in me.” Here you become empowered and inspired!
Power Process 2: Options
Awakened awareness gives you more choices. If you don’t know you have a different choice, you don’t actually have it, do you? Your new perspective creates new opportunities and options in your life, and we begin tapping into what’s possible. You begin to undergo a recalibration of your energy and life (think quantum upleveling!). This process is dynamic and interactive, as you will bring your newly illumined perception to your specific life circumstances.
Power Process 3. Willingness
Willingness is so key. We do not need to know how, or know all of the steps or what it will look like. But we do need to be willing, and your willingness creates the way! With your perception open and new options available, your willingness becomes the rocket fuel to launch the flight of your own masterful flight!
Power Process 4: Energy
This is the game changer, and it is essential to both initiate and sustain the exponential shifts we are making! Energy elevates your consciousness, and makes lasting change possible. This is what sets this program apart from so many others. The energy we share comes from a higher vibrational plane, which means we “solve the problem” by accessing the level where it doesn’t exist! No more looping through the same old same old. The energy combines with your newly fueled rocket ship, and you begin to remember what you always knew: you can fly.
Power Process 5: Realization
Realization means that living as love, purpose and presence is real, not just an idea, concept, or wish. It is your daily experience. This happens through your ongoing practice of the tools and processes we share in the Alchemy of Love. This is where your participation becomes key. You will be equipped with what you need to create your own way, and the strength of your devotion determines the trajectory and speed of your journey. All of your beautiful knowledge, understanding, and vibrational upleveling is then experienced as your new reality.
What You Receive in the Alchemy of Love 01 Collective
Wisdom Key Masterclass
Keys unlock doors. The Wisdom Key Masterclasses are here to unlock the portals of your awareness and perception. They are wisdom teachings that help you to live in new ways. Each live gathering of our entire collective includes an essential teaching on one of the keys and a group energy activation. Replays are available as long as you are a member of the collective.
Custom Energy Transmission for each Wisdom Key
You will receive a video energy transmission specific to each Wisdom Key. Tune in as often as you need! This daily group energy support is key for your continual upleveling and embodiment of all that you are. This is the piece that helped me so much along my journey, and I’m so grateful to be able to support our collective this way. Remember, you are it already, and sometimes we need our connections cleaned up, our debris field cleared, and an energetic reminder of our true nature so that we can experience it day to day.
Downloadable Custom Sound Alchemy
Sound is one of the most direct ways to both catalyze and integrate your shifts. The pure vibrations of crystalline sound (bowls and voice) imbued with laser precise intention will be with you as ongoing support, centering, clearing, and activation. You’ll have access to a downloadable mp3 file each month to tune into whenever you are called.
Dynamic Life Navigation Guide for Guided Integration and Mastery
You receive a downloadable PDF summarizing that month’s Wisdom Key teachings, transformational tools, and home practices you can implement. This dynamic guide offers you an energetic blueprint for finding your own way in your devotional practices and consciousness journey. Each of you will apply it differently, and also notice that the prompts and tools help you discover your own wisdom, knowing, and practices along the way.
We have learned that rest is as important as active engagement, whether that is in physical exercise, cognitive learning, creative mastery, or consciousness expansion. I suggest you offer an interval for yourself between each module for Active Integration. Using the recording, the written integration guide, and that key’s sound alchemy, you learn to fly on your own. It’s a chance to go deeper into the Wisdom Key, and discover and practice your own self-guided wisdom, for this is our ultimate goal!
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