
5-week Series for lightworkers, wayshowers,and consciousness leaders.

Mondays, August 1-August 29, 5 PM Pacific,
Unlimited Replay

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Christine Laria


5-week Series

Mondays, August 1-August 29, 5 PM Pacific,
Unlimited Replay
Price for Members: $97

As lightworkers, wayshowers, and consciousness leaders, more and more is being asked of us. These are times like no other. The contrast between the high-voltage energies of the shift of ascension and the insistent volume of denser vibrations is increasing. Times of relative calm or ease may feel fewer and farther between. This means we are being called into greater spiritual mastery, and it is important to be ready for the realities at hand. We must be fortified with energetic stamina, strength, and clarity. We must have less in our systems for the craziness of the world to snag on. We are called to sustain the vibration of unconditional love in awakened awareness, to be a space of loving kindness and peace within, so that we can meet the world as all we are called to be.

This class is only available for members only as a separate purchase (not part of a package).

The Power Of Love Activation

Included in the 5-week Series

The Power of Love Initiation
Live Energy Activation

August 1, 2022, 5 PM Pacific,
Replays Available August 1-3 and September 1-3

This powerful, brand new activation is here to launch our amazing 5-week, live journey together. Many things in the world are strong: fear, control, densities… and none are stronger than love.

When we are anchored in the full measure of the love that we are, we are fortified to meet what comes in life, either from without or within.

    This activation will focus on:

  • Clearing your debris field of the energies of fear and control that have never been yours to begin with.
  • Activating your well of compassion and kindness for your self through all past, present, and future circumstances.
  • Fortifying you in the Love Warrior energy, that can meet powerful energies with the same measure of strength.

The replay will be available twice for three days: August 1-3, and September 1-3. Return as often as needed for a powerful reactivation of the fullness of Unconditional Love. It is a perfect travel companion to the next item in the series!

Higher Consciousness
Through Challenge and Change
4-Week Energetic Masterclass Series

Mondays, August 8-August 29, 5 PM Pacific,
Unlimited Replays

Many of you are experiencing greater states of anxiety or agitation, are being triggered disproportionately by current situations, and are navigating profound loss either through grief or change. You may even feel frustrated with the slow pace of the shift of ascension, and how the difficulties seem to just keep mounting. Lightworker fatigue is real. If you relate to any of the above, this series is for you!

For the answer to each one of these challenges is More. More of what you already are experienced regularly and clearly, day to day. More capacity to maintain your highest vibration, your clear-sighted knowing, and your strength in unconditional, enlightened Love.

This series is here to give you new tools to navigate these most intense times, to help clear your debris field of anything the denser energies are snagging on, and to keep you steady amidst the world’s chaos. It is here to restore your joy and innocence, your hope for your life, and your hope for this world.

Modules of the Series

  1. Living Peace: The Awakened Way Through Stress and Overwhelm
  2. Everything is Now: Healing Past Lives Through Present Circumstances
  3. Enlightened Loss: Navigating Death and Change through Ascended Consciousness
  4. Living Your Purpose: Beyond Timeline Expectations to Live Powerfully Now

More about the Modules



Challenges will happen. Whether or not they become stress of overwhelm is about our relationship with the challenges. This module will give you tools and processes in deep service to the well-being of your body and mind. The energies shared will assist you in physical, mental and emotional well-being, and in finding a new relationship with today’s challenges. Our beautiful vehicles (bodies and minds) are greatly needed for all that we are here to do, and we want them to be in peace and prosperity in order to be of the greatest service, and to know the deepest joy and fulfillment.


Remember that everything is now – past lives, loves, betrayals, roles we’ve played – all of it, as well as collective PTSD from thousands of years of earth life. As the volume increases on energetic densities here on the planet, anything within you that has not been fully dissolved and transmuted in love will arise to be met. Your past and future life content will be here at the invitation of your more highly ascended, current consciousness so that, once again, you can be a fully clear and coherent vessel for infinite love to move through. Thus anything you have left untended or unresolved from eons of lifetimes and collective trauma will be arising to be met by this new consciousness that you embody. This module is for supporting you to navigate this big soul ask you’ve given yourself with greater ease and grace.


So many of us have been through heart-wrenching losses and changes in the last 2-3 years. Loss and grief can be one of the greatest challenges to your elevated vibrational state. In this module, you will be guided and equipped to nagivate change and loss with more of what you are, to let go of any ideas around how our amazing human bodies and emotions should be progressing, experiencing, or moving through, to bridge your awareness to the abiding truth that death is only a change of address, and to bring the potent power of presence through love to every thought, feeling, and experience. This is enlightened awareness in action, which is where it truly counts – not just as ideas, but as our actual experience.


How often have you heard how “we are in the time we’ve all been waiting for” and you find yourself wondering, “REALLY?” Or, “The shift is here and we are all ascending into higher consciousness and New Earth is upon us,” only to find you are dealing with more density, challenge, or struggle than before. What the heck is up with this? When we place the human limitations of linearity on the unfolding of shift, ascension, and our own enlightened awakening, we are creating too small a container for what is actually afoot. In this module we’ll be opening into the greater truth of larger timelines, which allows us to let go of expectations (and disappointments), and embrace the hugely impactful power of our choices in this now. As we let go of being outcome oriented and become presence oriented, we are able to live fully and show up as all we are meant to be.

I’m looking forward to being with you for this powerful series.
Thank you for being part of this beautiful community,
and for all that you are! All Love, .- Christine


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