Intuitive Guidance and Energetic Mentorship
Welcome to this sacred temple full of energy, insight and alchemy where you master stepping beyond your small self and living from your highest self.
I’m honored to serve you on your journey as intuitive guide, energy channel/healer, wisdom mentor and sound alchemist.
Join me to get clear of your interference, connected with your highest self, and elevated into your greatest purpose and light.
1. The Portal Package
A powerful boost in a concise experience! The Portal Package is perfect for receiving guidance on your most immediate issue or desire, unleveling with a personal boost in your vibration, and gaining clarity through concise information that supports you on your journey.
- One 50-minute session
- One remote energy transmission with impression report
- One follow-up Q&A email with laser guidance and support
Your investment: $555
“In one session, Christine gently assisted me in discovering and healing a 30-year-old emotional wound. I walked out with a very old burden utterly lifted, and the resulting lightness and joy has remained intact since that session. I have had sessions with many spiritual teachers and healers over the past 40 years, and can truly say that none have been as efficient and insightful as Christine. She is truly unique.” Lucy Sage
“I’ve read other people saying how dramatically their life has changed after a single session or treatment and now I am one of them! It is amazing to live day after day now without the weight of heartbreak and gut-wrenching grief and crying my eyes out… I’m able to smile, laugh and come back to joy! Such a relief, so much lightness and love inside of me now, a huge burden off my shoulders. THANK YOU for helping me to release all that didn’t belong to me and to have a taste of happy life… for co-creating with me and helping me break out of the jail I have built for myself! There are no words to describe my gratitude! Life is so sweet and amazing – all thanks to you!” – Elena Fairchild
2. The Deluxe Journey
The Deluxe Journey is here to help you become fully aligned at the deepest and most expansive levels. Here you clear all of your interference, connect in an ongoing and experiential way with your highest self, and elevate your vibration into your fullest expression of purpose and light.
Choose a 3, 6 or 9 month container. Each month includes:
- Three sessions (two 50 minute, one 20 minute)
- Nine remote energy transmissions with impression reports
- Alchemy and Source Light Circles
- Weekly correspondence/questions
Your Investment: $1555/mo.
3 Months: Receive a $333 discount with a single payment
6 months: Receive an $800 discount with a single payment
9 Months: Receive a $1600 discount with a single payment.
“I am currently experiencing such amazing inner peace resulting from all the energetic healing work. It has been amazing progress and reward with the undoing of unhelpful patterns, codependent connections, and releasing of deep rooted trauma and fears. The daily heart transmissions were a gem; they really challenged and assisted me in my healing. Six months with Christine and I have come out so much more empowered. I am walking in alignment with my soul…having discovered that I am truly the master guide and infinite self presence I had been seeking all along.” Jennifer Velasquez, California
“Christine is amazing, I have never met anyone that does what she does. When she is toning with you, you can feel the sound coming into your body and dissolving any blocks or barriers in your system. My system was in overwhelm from being on the road for too long and working on so many people. After my session with Christine I felt brand new again.” Zach Rehder, Energy Healer, Sedona, AZ
3. The Diamond Experience
The Diamond Experience is custom curated for clients who wish to create a journey that is as unique as they are. This elite experience allows you to pick and choose what works for you – how much, how often, and when. I make myself available to you as your personal spiritual mentor, energy channel, and intuitive guide Monday through Thursday for 3 weeks a month.
Options Include:
- Whole life personal/energetic reading and diagnosis
- 50-minute and 20 minute sessions (number and frequency is custom-tailored)
- Regular energy transmissions with messages and reports (number and frequency is custom-tailored)
- Unlimited correspondence, questions, real-time guidance and energy support.
- Unlimited sound alchemy recordings, masterclasses and group offerings, both live and recorded
Your Investment: prices begin at $3333/mo.