
6 in stock

Group Size: nine people each

Times: two options to accommodate various time zones

  1. 8AM HI / 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
  2. 2PM HI / 4PM Pacific / 7PM Eastern

Dates for Both Groups: Wednesdays Nov 6, 13, 20, December 4, 11 and 18, January 6, 13, and 20.

Cost: $777

Bonus Gift for You!  Complimentary inclusion in the Source Light Circle for November, December, and January (value $111)


Welcome to 9 Deeply Healing, Expansive, and Transformational Small-Group Sessions

The Transformation Circle of Light Is for You If:

  • You’d like a steady container of energy, insight, and support as your body, heart and mind navigate planetary changes, high influxes of light, and the next few months of intensity packed for you and our collective.
  • A group guidance circle suits both your resources and resonance. You love the synergy of the community experience where all of the guidance and energy is exponentially multiplied and beneficial for all.
  • You feel now is the time to commit to your path. You feel called to master your full ensoulment and unwavering awakening, holding true to your light, knowing, and inner power no matter what is happening within or around you.

Nine is a powerful master number representing completion & fulfillment.

Nine is also associated with

  • awakening, awareness and insight
  • balance, compassion and strength
  • support, generosity and courage

You’ll thrive in your private container with the same people each week (nine of you), deepening your trust, connection and power of awakening and expansion.

And as a special bonus, all Transformation Circle of Light participants will automatically be included in the Source Light Circle each month!

What people have shared about small group guidance circles with Christine

“I think the most helpful thing was the personalized support for everyone, not just me, and having that weekly scheduled time devoted to healing and listening. It helped clear the noise for me. After you helped me with my question, everything got quiet in the most beautiful way. Things felt calm in a way that they hadn’t felt in a long time. This  helped me strengthen my spirituality and helped me remember that I’m not alone and also that I must listen. It also helped me feel better about being sensitive and becoming increasingly so. It’s awareness and for that I am grateful. I was able to get a lot out of listening to other people’s questions. I felt very connected to everyone and I feel like I always got what I needed even when I didn’t ask a question.” – Rachel L.

“I valued the courage of all the participants. I often saw my concerns or pondering of my heart being shared by another participants. We are actually very connected and not so different. I know I received so much healing. I really appreciated all the healing that was shared and the sense of community that was established. The courageous hearts of the participants and seeing their faces and voices change after sharing the healing. I (appreciated) watching you respond to each participant in a loving, open way and adapting your approach to each person and concern. Your deep listening and attunement to each person. I valued bearing witness to how healing sometimes is very forceful as when the Cali energy was present and how gentle it can be. (I appreciated) your ability to move from one person to other so quickly. Your presence to each person. ” – A.D.

“My heart was opened to receive from the heartfelt cries of others in the group as they struggle their way out of the chrysalis. It created a desire to join with them, and to be willing to be part of the whole of us all together with the wisdom and deep spiritual healing and guidance that our wonderful teacher unveiled before us.” – Carl C.

Transformation Happens Through Ensoulment

We are all both divine perfection as we are, and divine works in progress. This “progress” part plays out in the nitty gritty of our lives. I call it a process of ensoulment and it happens through your mind, heart, body, and energy.

So how strong is your ensoulment?

Weak ensoulment in your mind is where

  • Your default is still thinking rather than highly attuned, spacious perception.
  • You are given to overthinking or analyzing, a busy mind that keeps you from abiding stillness and ease.
  • Your thoughts still seeking to be in charge of your life by trying keep you safe, figure things out, and control outcomes.

Weak ensoulment in your heart is where

  • Your wounds, traumas, and pain are still in process of healing, meaning they are impacting your perceptions and choices.
  • This keeps you closed off and disconnected from your true power and freedom.
  • You may still engage in people pleasing or power-over paradigms, feel dismay at the state of your life or the world, suffer empathically from others’ struggles, or experience feelings of unworthiness, undeserving, or alienation.

Weak ensoulment in your body may mean you are

  • Living disharmony through physical challenges and disease.
  • Experiencing cellular release from the experiences and information from this lifetime and others – your body is catching up to your vibration!
  • Laying down new energy pathways in your body for more light. Given both the greater influx of very high vibrations as well as louder densities, your lower-density remnants are ready to be completely dissolved, healed, and freed.

What are the hazards of weak ensoulment? 

If you are weakly ensouled right now, the world’s challenges are going to be ever more difficult as our planet sheds this old skin reality. The increasing upheavals in nature, the environment, world conflicts, health, and commerce. I’m speaking this plainly: it is going to get more difficult. Louder. More intense. It’s time to be ready.

Shift into Full Ensoulment Through Alignment, Connection, and Freedom

For the shift to happen for you, we need to get specific!

Here is where my gifts come into play, and why I am the guide for you:

  • I can see the interference that is literally dimming your soul light in your life – mentally, emotionally and physically.
  • I can track where the energy of your traumas, thoughts, ancestry, karma, limiting beliefs, small-self identifications and fears reside in your mind, heart and body.
  • I can get specific with you –  where the light-limitations are in your body. Where you mind is grabbing the reigns and limiting your freedom. Where and how your heart wounds are continuing to create your suffering. And we can shift all of that. 

From this precise, intuitive seeing, I can guide you with both energy and practice into a different way to

  • Bring a different energy into your cells.
  • Shift the way energy is moving in your body, heart, and mind.
  • Re-route this into your patterns and choices – specifically and accurately.
  • Literally map your timeline forward as you interact with your life from this newly ensouled space, what that looks like and requires. 

This is my gift as a cosmic catalyst and soul alchemist. It’s personal, precise, and powerful. 

Now imagine what it feels like to navigate your ouchy spots, your contractions and prickly places from a greater spaciousness and truth of love. 

Notice what it’s like to hear about the latest world upheaval in nature, conflict, or commerce from a space clear compassion for self, others, and the world. 

Notice what it’s like not to lose sight of what it feels like to be ensouled in every cell, plane, and body of your beautiful, human self. 

This is unwavering awakening – deeper and deeper into every aspect of your life – your full ensoulment. Then the “work in progress” of you lives from the perfection zone of your full being.

I’d be honored to be your master guide for your mind, the medicine woman for your heart, the ensoulment catalyst of for your spirit.

I am committed to you in such a way that you that you can’t lose sight of your truth. You can’t fall out of alignment with your light and love. You can’t be persuaded by anything smaller ever again. And then you are fully ready to live in this crazy world we are in as peace, freedom, and love.

Choose your time today and experience the deep and beautiful openings that are ready and waiting for you!


More Client Shares

“Christine, what I would say to anyone wondering about this Circle is — just DO IT! My experience was uplifting, all love, and then it was time for your work with me personally… You went right to the heart of what I was seeking without know it — SUCH a deep thing, and there it was in my field, in just a matter of moments. Profound. My entire perspective change in a moment! A thousand “thank you’s” for your extraordinary presence, your work, your beautiful intentions, your love” – Linda N.

“Imagine working through deep seated patterns or issues with ease and grace. You only need the courage to express just a few words to describe what may have you stuck, and then open to receive Christine’s gifts of shifting energy, uplifting your awareness and healing what’s needed to take you to the next level in consciousness and your awakening. Now imagine doing this in a group setting, each person taking their turn to gently introduce what’s holding them back in that moment … and as each person shares, speaks and provides a slight nuance in the healing that is unfolding, providing a different perspective of the whole, some how Christine brings all the threads together raising the vibration of the group and the group shifts on behalf of the collective. The impact is truly exponential. It’s gentle, loving and at the same time transformative and profound. All in a day’s work! Thank you Christine for sharing your gifts. See you at the next circle. xo With gratitude!”- Lisa Z.

When I finally felt I wanted to ask a question, the answer was super helpful in creating an inner grounded flow for my energies in a new way. Plus listening to everyone’s shares, whether it brought up my own content similar to theirs, or my own content in terms of them, it was a great space to explore and share in.” – Arianna Z.

I liked how we could benefit from each other’s issues. I liked the personal feedback sessions and your expertise in guiding a group with honouring and support.” – Anonymous



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